# On a chilly autumn day, I met a younger brother whom I had known through a small group. I was able to open my heart to him because they were usually very considerate of each other.

After having a glass of wine and chatting, I was ready to go home when a little bit of pleasant intoxication remained.

Then he took my wrist and said,

"I'll take you home. Let's go together."

It was already dark outside when I followed the man who supported me. I looked at the clock and it was 11:30, it was a scary time to go home alone.

"Yeah, let's go together"

As soon as I spoke to him, I saw the lights of a taxi driving in the distance.

The taxi door opened and a woman and a man got in. Both were intoxicated.

A taxi stopped at an apartment complex near the house, and we rolled over and started walking. To get to the officetel where I live, I had to pass through this apartment complex.

A street lamp in the apartment complex was illuminating us.

After a little bit of darkness, the end of the light, it was the exit of the apartment.

However, from where the darkness began, I suddenly felt a strange feeling. The exit is definitely going straight, but the man kept taking me to the corner.

"Why is that... it's terrifying..."

I couldn't help but scream at the shadows of darkness approaching one step at a time, as I couldn't hear my words.

My eyes met the man who approached me. The man's eyes opened wide enough to tell that he was more drunk than mine. It would have ended if I ran away, but I couldn't. Because the fears around me chained me and immobilized me.


After a few seconds of silence, the man suddenly laid me down.

I was terrified and cried out in amazement.

The cold wooden floor felt cool. I tried to get my hand off the man who was taking my clothes off, but my strength wasn't enough.

'My cell phone is also broken, what should I do...'

I took out my iPad with all my thoughts on it, but even that was taken by the him.

'Why are you even doing this to me...'

Tears covered my eyes.

I screamed and cried out not to do this, but I hoped that any of the many residents of the apartment complex would help me, but the surroundings were terribly quiet, and only my lonely cry echoed.

To what extent should we trust and to what extent should we be suspicious of people? Skepticism and emptiness about human relationships flooded in.

After the man lost consciousness for a moment, I ran to the officetel I was living in, but the man followed me home.

my body trembled and tears flowed nonstop. The situation was so scary. I was really, really scared.

Fortunately, the man did not come to my house. But my iPad was stolen by the man.

When the door of the house opened, the friend I was living with was startled to see me standing in front of the shoe cabinet and crying bitterly. My friend heard me cry and immediately called 112 and called the police. And I went down to the first floor with my friend.

Shortly thereafter, the police arrived, and the younger brother was caught by the police. I also got my iPad back.

His crimes were sexual harassment and theft.

The policeman asked me to go to the [Sunflower Center] with me as I stared blankly at the man getting in the police car and being dragged away.

(*Sunflower Center: An organization that provides 24/7 counseling, medical care, legal, and investigation support to victims and their families who have suffered from sexual violence, sexual harassment, and domestic violence)

As I went, I couldn't get over my fear, so my body continued to tremble and shed tears. After arriving at the [Sunflower Center], we talked about what had happened, and after consulting, we went to the police station and wrote a statement.

After that, I got the help of a public defender. After months of research, I had to decide whether to reach an agreement or punish.

After much thought, I decided to come to an agreement in consideration of the man's personal circumstances, and after receiving the settlement money, the case was closed.

<Three things I learned while going through this>

1) People should not be trusted. He is a person who can change suddenly at any time.

2) If you have been sexually assaulted or sexually harassed, do not skip it and report it to the police unconditionally. There is a well-established social support system in place.

3) Always drink alcohol as much as you control yourself. And learn self-defense tools and self-defense techniques to protect yourself.


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